- ash residue
- зольный остаток
Краткий англо-русский словарь химмотологических терминов и выражений. - М.: ИЦ «ТЕХИНФОРМ» МАИ. Данилов А.М. . 2014.
Краткий англо-русский словарь химмотологических терминов и выражений. - М.: ИЦ «ТЕХИНФОРМ» МАИ. Данилов А.М. . 2014.
ash — ash, cinders, clinkers, embers mean the remains of combustible material after it has been destroyed by fire. Ash, especially as the plural ashes, implies perfect combustion and a powdery residue consisting only of incombustible and thoroughly… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
ash — ash1 ashiness, n. ashless, adj. /ash/, n. 1. the powdery residue of matter that remains after burning. 2. Also called volcanic ash. Geol. finely pulverized lava thrown out by a volcano in eruption. 3. a light, silvery gray color … Universalium
ash — 1. noun /æʃ/ a) The solid remains of a fire. The audience was more captivated by the growing ash at the end of his cigarette than by his words. b) The nonaqueous remains of a material subjected to any complete oxidation process. Ash from a… … Wiktionary
ash — I [[t]æʃ[/t]] n. 1) the powdery residue of matter that remains after burning 2) gel finely pulverized lava thrown out by a volcano in eruption 3) a light, silvery gray color 4) ashes a) deathlike grayness; extreme pallor b) ruins, esp. the… … From formal English to slang
ash — I. /æʃ / (say ash) noun 1. the powdery residue of matter that remains after burning: hot ashes; cigarette ash; soda ash. 2. Geology finely pulverised lava thrown out by a volcano in eruption. –verb (t) 3. to cause the ash collected on the tip of… …
Ash (analytical chemistry) — In analytical chemistry, ash is the name given to all non aqueous residue that remains after a sample is burned, and consist mostly of metal oxides.Ash is one of the components in the proximate analysis of biological materials, consisting mainly… … Wikipedia
ash — ash1 noun 1》 the powdery residue left after the burning of a substance. ↘(ashes) the remains of a human body after cremation or burning. ↘(in chemical analysis) the mineral component of an organic substance (indicated by the residue left… … English new terms dictionary
ash — I. noun Etymology: Middle English asshe, from Old English æsc; akin to Old High German ask ash, Latin ornus mountain ash Date: before 12th century 1. any of a genus (Fraxinus) of trees of the olive family with pinnate leaves, thin furrowed bark,… … New Collegiate Dictionary
ASH — Action on Smoking and Health; aldosterone stimulating hormone; alkylosing spinal hyperostosis; American Society of Hematology; antistreptococcal hyaluronidase; asymmetric septal hypertrophy * * * ash ash n, often attrib 1) the solid residue left… … Medical dictionary
AsH — astigmatism, hypermetropic * * * ash ash n, often attrib 1) the solid residue left when combustible material is thoroughly burned or is oxidized by chemical means 2) ashes pl the remains of the dead human body after cremation or disintegration *… … Medical dictionary
ash — 1. The amount of ash or nonvolatile, incombustible content left from heating petroleum oils to the point of complete burning of the oil. Ash content is expressed in weight per cent of the original sample. 2. The residue remaining when all of the… … Petroleum refining glossary